Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted in a while!!! But my new post is a project I'm working on. It is a cardboard suitcase like the ones you see in Harry Potter or maybe, it's just like an old suitcase. Brown, leather straps, and buckles. That's kinda' what I'm thinking of. Anyway, here's a picture of the cardboard with the template (that I made) that I'm going to use.(left)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

another pair of earrings!

I just went to Powells and I bought
Dangles and Bangles
by sherri haab and michelle haab.
In it, there was a craft about making
earrings. Me and my mom made
pairs; she made strings of beads
and I made cherry earrings.
We also took pictures. (right)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bow & Arrow with pouch set

I made a bow & arrow set out of three sticks. Then, I took a fake sword pouch and I use that to store the bow and arrow. I got the idea because I played with my friend and she had a bow so I made a bow and arrow. Here I'll list the steps to make the bow and arrow set:
In this craft case, I used the strongest tape I had.
  1. Take a pretty bendy long curved stick and wash it off.
  2. Then, tie a stretchy string to each end of the stick. (if needed, tape the string on)
  3. For the arrow, take a long stick, as straight as possible, and put a piece of tape about 1 and 1/2 of your own hand away from the bottom so that's how long the stick needs to be.
  4. Find a case to put the bow and arrow in. (not necessary)